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Springer, Dordrecht

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Stomach Gastritis and Peptic Ulceration

Authors: I M P Dawson
Publish Date: 1983
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 39-46
PDF Link


Inflammatory change in gastric mucosa — as evidenced by the presence of polymorphs or by an increase in number of lymphocytes plasma cells mast cells or eosinophils — is a histological finding which by no means always corresponds with a history of dyspepsia and in people over the age of 60 is so common that many pathologists and clinicians regard it as ‘normal’ This cellular infiltration results from mucosal contact with irritants which include refluxed bile acid alcohol drugs and poisons and also from autoimmune type reactions and if the irritant is continuous or the mucosal defences alter can be followed by epithelial erosion ulceration and atrophy with loss of gland elements These changes are initially reversible but become less so as they become more severe and longcontinued It is not uncommon for gastric mucosa so affected to undergo metaplasia to an intestinal pattern which can eventually become dysplastic with an increased risk of carcinomatous change It is therefore important to classify accurately the different patterns of gastritis always relating the findings to the age of the patient



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