Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Vienna
Authors: L Fuchs
Publish Date: 1984
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 341-356
This note is devoted to the study of divisible modules over arbitrary commutative domains R with 1 Whereas divisible modules over Dedekind domains can be completely characterized by numerical invariants not much is known about their structures in the general case Divisible modules have been studied by Matlis 6 who was the first to distinguish between divisibility in general and hdivisibility He established an important duality between hdivisible torsion modules and complete torsionfree Rmodules 7 Matlis 6 and Hamsher 4 characterized those domains R for which all divisible Rmodules are hdivisible eg by the property that the field Q of quotients of R has projective dimension 1
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