Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: R E Rhoads
Publish Date: 1985
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 104-155
This article is a review of what is known about the 7methylguanosinecontaining “cap” structure of eukaryotic messenger RNA and its participation in the initiation of protein synthesis Particular attention will be paid to the protein which is thought to mediate the entry of mRNA into the cycle of protein synthesis by recognizing the cap structure termed capbinding protein CBP Previous review articles dealing with this or related topics include those of Shatkin 1976 Banerjee 1980 Ehrenfeld 1982 Penman 1982 and Nielsen et al 1983 The primary focus of this review will be translational events Topics which will not be treated include biosynthesis of caps Rottman 1978 Banerjee 1980 the role of the cap structure in stabilization of mRNA against degradation Shimotohno et al 1977 Furuichi et al 1977 and the CBP which is involved in initiation of transcription of influenza virus Blaas et al 1982
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