Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Steven V Ley Caroline M R Low
Publish Date: 1989
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 78-96
Although most of the examples in this review deal with the interaction of metals with organic substrates the effects observed are not limited to organometallic systems and a number of useful procedures for transformations involving nonmetals have been published For instance amines can be iValkylated by alkyl halides in the presence of potassium hydroxide and a phase transfer catalyst 175 Nbenzyl glycine was readily prepared in high yield by sonolysis of the Cu gly2 and the relevant chloride at pH 110 The process was similarly successful in the case of pchlor benzyl chloride but only gave 5 of the TVarylmethylated product in the case where R = pMe 176 Scheme 79
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