Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Publish Date: 1990
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 25-48
In this chapter a method is proposed for the optimal design of regulators and observers from the disturbance rejection and robust performance points of view For a given set of system parameters we obtain a measure of the disturbance rejection capacity of the system or observer Optimization routines need to be employed to select control or observer gains which maximize the disturbance rejection capacity The general case of timevarying linear systems is considered and timedomain techniques are employed Also the problem of achieving maximum performance as well as required robustness in the presence of parameter uncertainties is considered An expression is derived for the variation of performance with parameter changes The methodology has connections to the H∞ methods in the case of timeinvariant systems An application to an aircraft wing leveler system is given to illustrate the methodology
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