Journal Title
Title of Journal: Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
Abbravation: Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image and video technology
Springer Netherlands
Authors: John S Fernando Milos D Ercegovac
Publish Date: 1994/10/01
Volume: 7, Issue: 3, Pages: 189-197
Designs using conventional and online arithmetic for performing the recursive computations of SecondOrder DirectForm IIR filters are implemented in a 07μ HCMOS gate array technology The new conventional bitparallel design using two levels of scattered lookahead achieves a rate of 104 Msamples/second The design eliminates carry propagate addition from the recursive loop and uses radix4 recoding to reduce the number of partial products The online design is an improved radix4 multiplyadd MA module Two arrays based on the online MA module are developed to achieve rates of 128 Msamples/second with two levels of scattered lookahead Performance and cost comparisons of the designs provide insights into the most appropriate designs to be used for a given word length
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