Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: ChuanKun Wu Ed Dawson
Publish Date: 1996/6/24
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 79-86
An n m t resilient function is a function f GF2 n → GF2 m such that every possible output mtuple is equally likely to occur when the values of t arbitrary inputs are fixed by an opponent and the remaining n−t input bits are chosen independently at random The existence of resilient functions has been largely studied in terms of lower and upper bounds The construction of such functions which have strong cryptographic significance however needs to be studied further This paper aims at presenting an efficient method for constructing resilient functions from odd ones based on the theory of errorcorrecting codes which has further expanded the construction proposed by XMZhang and YZheng Infinite classes of resilient functions having variant parameters can be constructed given an old one and a linear errorcorrecting code The method applies to both linear and nonlinear resilient functions
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