Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Boston, MA
Authors: Nicole Tandeau de Marsac HyunMi Lee
Publish Date: 1999
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 539-548
Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes that mainly use CO2 and bicarbonate as carbon sources and ammonium and nitrate as nitrogen sources to fulfil their requirement for growth Some strains can also fix molecular N2 either under aerobic or anaerobic conditions1627 Under autotrophic conditions the enzymatic reactions required for the utilization of any form of inorganic nitrogen depend upon the availability of energy ATP and reductant generated from photosynthesis as well as upon CO2fixation products which in part act as amino acceptors to generate amino acids and other organic nitrogenous compounds There might thus exist tight interactions between nitrogen and carbon metabolism to balance the intracellular N/C ratio
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