Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Boston, MA
Authors: W de Souza
Publish Date: 2003
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 13-24
This paper reviews basic aspects of the cell biology of trypanosomatids with a special emphasis on results obtained with Trypanosoma cruzi The following structures are discussed a the various domains of the cell surface that can be identified using freezefracture and cytochemistry and the association of the plasma membrane with microtubules b the organization of the flagellum especially the paraflagellar rod c the structure of the nucleus and its behaviour during cell division d the kinetoplast and the replication of the kinetoplast DNA e the organization of the glycosome and the import of its proteins f the endocytic pathway emphasizing the role played by the cytostome and the reservosomes g the organization distribution and function of the acidocalcisomes
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