Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Piotr ChrzastowskiWachtel Boualem Benatallah Rachid Hamadi Milton O’Dell Adi Susanto
Publish Date: 2003/6/26
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 336-353
A topdown approach for workflow design is proposed in the framework of Petri net theory Simple but powerful refinement rules are proposed that guarantee soundness of the resulting workflow nets The refinement process supports the definition of regions which are parts of the workflow that correspond to logistically related items Exception handlers can be associated to regions Defining regions helps determining the impact areas of the unexpected events during workflow executionThis work is partially supported by an ARC SPIRT grant “Managing Changes in Dynamic Workflow Environments” between UNSW QUT and Justwin Technologies and by an internal research grant No BW/ALG/01/2002 of PJWSTK financially supported by KBN in Poland
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