Journal Title
Title of Journal: Constr Approx
Abbravation: Constructive Approximation
Authors: Fang Gensun Ye Peixin
Publish Date: 2003/10/10
Volume: 20, Issue: 1, Pages: 159-172
In this paper we investigate the probabilistic linear ndeltawidths and paverage linear nwidths of the Sobolev space Wr 2 equipped with the Gaussian measure mu in the L inftynorm and determine the asymptotic equalities begineqnarray lambda ndeltaWr 2muL infty asympfracsqrtln n/deltanr+s1/23pt lambdaa nWr 2muL infty p asympfracsqrtln nnr+s1/2 qquad 0 p infty endeqnarray
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