Authors: Yinnian He KamMoon Liu Weiwei Sun
Publish Date: 2005/07/25
Volume: 101, Issue: 3, Pages: 501-522
A multilevel spectral Galerkin method for the twodimensional nonstationary NavierStokes equations is presented The method proposed here is a multiscale method in which the fully nonlinear NavierStokes equations are solved only on a lowdimensional space Open image in new window subsequent approximations are generated on a succession of higherdimensional spaces Open image in new window j=2 J by solving a linearized NavierStokes problem around the solution on the previous level Error estimates depending on the kinematic viscosity 0ν1 are also presented for the Jlevel spectral Galerkin method The optimal accuracy is achieved when Open image in new window We demonstrate theoretically that the Jlevel spectral Galerkin method is much more efficient than the standard onelevel spectral Galerkin method on the highestdimensional space Open image in new window The work of this author was supported in part by the NSF of China 10371095 City University of Hong Kong Research Project 7001093 Hong Kong and the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region China Project No CityU 1084/02P