Authors: Luca Muccioli Roberto Berardi Silvia Orlandi Matteo Ricci Claudio Zannoni
Publish Date: 2006/12/15
Volume: 117, Issue: 5-6, Pages: 1085-1092
In this work we consider the stability of columnar liquid crystals formed by discotic molecules differing only in one core substituent In particular we concentrate on the 1substituted 2 3 6 7 10 11 hexaalkyloxy triphenylene family and more specifically on the methoxy derivatives studying the effects of seven αsubstituents H Br CH3 Cl F NH2 NO2 on the shape and electronic properties calculated at density functional level and relating them with the phase behaviour of the corresponding hexyloxy derivatives In a second step we use the optimized structures and the atomic charges in a simplified Monte Carlo simulation of systems of molecules arranged in a columnar fashion to try to shed light on the consequences of functionalization on the stacking behaviour