Journal Title
Title of Journal: Irrig Drainage Syst
Abbravation: Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Authors: Bouya Ahmed Ould Ahmed Tahei Yamamoto Hideyasu Fujiyama Koichi Miyamoto
Publish Date: 2007/05/03
Volume: 21, Issue: 2, Pages: 97-107
A drip irrigation system has the advantage of maintaining high water content near the plant root However its performance depends on water quality as it may induce the emitter clogging In the Tohaku National Irrigation Project in western Japan mist spray emitters are widely used for irrigation in the field and greenhouses for vegetable and orchard crops Seven emitters of different types were evaluated for the variation in their discharge rate without filter The statistical analysis of mean discharge ratio and the coefficient of variation of the performance of emitters along a lateral line in the field indicated that the mist spray emitters had the best performance for irrigation in Tohaku area particularly the new emitters or 1year old emitters The results suggest that after using the emitter line for two irrigation seasons it should either be replaced in the third season or washed carefully if further usedThe authors wish to thank Professor Mohan Saxena visiting professor in Arid Land Research center Tottori University for his helpful comments and for English correction We would like to thank president of Tohaku irrigation project Mr Oba Soichi Especial thank also to Mr Umano from Tohaku Land Development District for his help during the field experiment Thanks also extended to Dr Yoshinaga Ikuo from Lab of water environment conservation National Institute for Rural Engineering in Tsukaba Japan for his helpful comments
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