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Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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Validating Z Specifications Using the Emphasis Ty

Authors: Daniel Plagge Michael Leuschel
Publish Date: 2007/7/2
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 480-500
PDF Link


We present the architecture and implementation of the proz tool to validate highlevel Z specifications The tool was integrated into prob by providing a translation of Z into B and by extending the kernel of prob to accommodate some new syntax and data types We describe the challenge of going from the tool friendly formalism B to the more specificationoriented formalism Z and show how many Z specifications can be systematically translated into B We describe the extensions such as record types and free types that had to be added to the kernel to support a large subset of Z As a sideeffect we provide a way to animate and model check records in prob By incorporating proz into prob we have inherited many of the recent extensions developed for B such as the integration with CSP or the animation of recursive functions Finally we present a successful industrial application which makes use of this fact and where proz was able to discover several errors in Z specifications containing higherorder recursive functions



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