Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Penka Hristova Georgi Petkov Boicho Kokinov
Publish Date: 2007/8/20
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 263-276
The paper presents a computational model of context sensitive judgment called JUDGEMAP which has been developed for modeling judgment on a subjective scale This paper presents an attempt to apply the same model to the case of judgment on an objective scale This is a big challenge since the behavioral data are showing the opposite type of effects Thus we have repeatedly obtained contrast effects of irrelevant information when judging on a subjective scale In the experiment described here we obtained an assimilation effect in exactly the same conditions except that the scale was objective Without any changes of the model we run the corresponding simulations and there are a good and bad news The bad news is that we did not obtain the assimilation effect but the good news is that the contrast effect disappeared The paper discusses possible reasons for these results and possible ways to improve the model
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