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Abbravation: European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

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Urban and Vogel

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The use of Hypertonic Saline in the Treatment of P

Authors: Jeffrey E Catrambone Wenzhuan He Charles J Prestigiacomo Tracy K McIntosh Peter W Carmel Allen Maniker
Publish Date: 2007/10/11
Volume: 34, Issue: 4, Pages: 397-409
PDF Link


Effective methods for treating cerebral edema have recently become a matter of both extensive research and significant debate within the neurosurgery and trauma surgery communities The pathophysiologic progression and outcome of different forms of cerebral edema associated with traumatic brain injury have yet to be fully elucidated There are heterogeneous factors influencing the onset and progress of posttraumatic cerebral edema including the magnitude and type of head injury age comorbid conditions of the patient the critical window for therapeutic intervention and the presence of secondary insults including hypoxia hypotension hypo/hyperthermia degree of raised intracranial pressure ICP and disruption of blood brain barrier BBB integrity Although numerous studies have been designed to improve our understanding of the etiology of posttraumatic cerebral edema therapeutic interventions have traditionally been focused on minimizing secondary insults especially raised ICP and improving cerebral perfusion pressure More recently fluid resuscitation strategies using hyperosmolar agents such as pentastarch and hypertonic saline HS have achieved some success HS treatment is of particular interest due to its apparent advantageous action over other types of hyperosmotic solutions in both clinical and laboratory studies In this review we provide a summary of recent literature concerning the pathogenesis and mechanisms involved in the various types of cerebral edema and the possible mechanisms of action of HS for the treatment cerebral edema



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  7. Paediatric trauma resuscitation: an update
  8. Optimizing Outcomes in the Jehovah’s Witness Following Trauma: Special Management Concerns for a Unique Population
  9. When Should Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Ankle Fractures Begin Weight Bearing? A Systematic Review
  10. The effect of video-assisted oral feedback versus oral feedback on surgical communicative competences in undergraduate training
  11. Popliteal vessel injuries: complex anatomy, difficult problems and surgical challenges
  12. Iatrogenic Sciatic Nerve Palsy Following Hemiarthroplasty of the Hip
  13. Anatomy-based surgical strategy of gastrointestinal fistula treatment
  14. Major Incident Hospital: Development of a Permanent Facility for Management of Incident Casualties
  15. Late Reconstruction of a Traumatic Trapeziometacarpal Dislocation with a Semi-constrained Prosthesis: A Case Report
  16. Treatment of ankle osteoarthritis: arthrodesis versus total ankle replacement
  17. Osteitis and Septic Arthritis after Tibial Head Fracture: Results of a Radical Treatment Regime
  18. Extramedullary fixation of trochanteric hip fracture
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