Journal Title
Title of Journal: Acta Mech Solida Sin
Abbravation: Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
Springer Singapore
Authors: Guojun Nie Zheng Zhong
Publish Date: 2007/12/30
Volume: 20, Issue: 4, Pages: 289-295
Assuming the material properties varying with an exponential law both in the thickness and radial directions axisymmetric bending of twodirectional functionally graded circular and annular plates is studied using the semianalytical numerical method in this paper The deflections and stresses of the plates are presented Numerical results show the well accuracy and convergence of the method Compared with the finite element method the semianalytical numerical method is with great advantage in the computational efficiency Moreover study on axisymmetric bending of twodirectional functionally graded annular plate shows that such plates have better performance than those made of isotropic homogeneous materials or onedirectional functionally graded materials Twodirectional functionally graded material is a potential alternative to the onedirectional functionally graded material And the integrated design of materials and structures can really be achieved in twodirectional functionally graded materials
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