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Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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GpuCV A GPUAccelerated Framework for Image Proce

Authors: Yannick Allusse Patrick Horain Ankit Agarwal Cindula Saipriyadarshan
Publish Date: 2008/12/1
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 430-439
PDF Link


This paper presents briefly the state of the art of accelerating image processing with graphics hardware GPU and discusses some of its caveats Then it describes GpuCV an open source multiplatform library for GPUaccelerated image processing and Computer Vision operators and applications It is meant for computer vision scientist not familiar with GPU technologies GpuCV is designed to be compatible with the popular OpenCV library by offering GPUaccelerated operators that can be integrated into native OpenCV applications The GpuCV framework transparently manages hardware capabilities data synchronization activation of low level GLSL and CUDA programs onthefly benchmarking and switching to the most efficient implementation and finally offers a set of image processing operators with GPU acceleration available



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