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Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Realtime virtual environment signal extraction an

Authors: Yang Su ZhiJie Xu XiangQian Jiang
Publish Date: 2009/10/21
Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 326-
PDF Link


The sense of being within a threedimensional 3D space and interacting with virtual 3D objects in a computergenerated virtual environment VE often requires essential image vision and sensor signal processing techniques such as differentiating and denoising This paper describes novel implementations of the Gaussian filtering for characteristic signal extraction and waveletbased image denoising algorithms that run on the graphics processing unit GPU While significant acceleration over standard CPU implementations is obtained through exploiting data parallelism provided by the modern programmable graphics hardware the CPU can be freed up to run other computations more efficiently such as artificial intelligence AI and physics The proposed GPUbased Gaussian filtering can extract surface information from a real object and provide its material features for rendering and illumination The waveletbased signal denoising for large size digital images realized in this project provided better realism for VE visualization without sacrificing realtime and interactive performances of an applicationYang Su received the B Sc and M Sc degrees in communication and information systems from the Xi’an University of Science and Technology PRC in 1994 and 1997 respectively He then joined the School of Communication and Information Engineering within the same university as a member of academic staff in 1997 and became an associate professor in 2004 He is currently a PhD candidate in computer science at the University of Huddersfield UKZhiJie Xu received the PhD in virtual manufacturing at the University of Derby UK in 2000 He is a senior lecturer and the head of the Computer Graphics and Image Processing Research Group within the School of Computing and Engineering at the University of Huddersfield UK He is a charted electronic engineer and a member of the IEEE IET/IEE British Computer Society BCS and UK Higher Education Academy HEAXiangQian Jiang received the PhD in measurement science at Huazhong University of Science and Technology PRC in 1995 She was awarded a D Sc for precision engineering at University of Huddersfield UK in 2007 She holds the chair of precision metrology at the Centre for Precision Technologies University of Huddersfield UK She is a principle member of ISO TC/213 and the BSI TW/4 and a UK DIUS Measurement Advisory Committee member She is a fellow of the Institute of Engineering Technology IET a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts Manufacture and Commerce RSA and a member of the International Academy of Production Engineering College International pour la Recherche en Productique CIRP



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