Journal Title
Title of Journal: Sex Disabil
Abbravation: Sexuality and Disability
Authors: Naira R Matevosyan
Publish Date: 2009/03/24
Volume: 27, Issue: 2, Pages: 109-118
This review intends to determine the extent to which a serious mental illness SMI interferes with reproductive health RH The primary focus is the question of whether or not women with SMI are at high risk for sexually transmitted infections female cancer unwanted pregnancies and sexual dysfunction Eightyfour original studies published 1971–2008 are identified through database journal and Internet searches PUBMED ACOG OMNI and categorized by their focus and sampling techniques RH related outcomes and their determinants awareness stigma others are considered as measurable outcomes Women with SMI have more lifetime sex partners low contraceptive usage higher rates of unwanted pregnancies and are at high risk for sexually transmitted infections The review reveals a scant data about the awareness knowledge attitudes in RH among women with SMI The findings highlight the importance of integration of the RH education into the psychosocial rehabilitation programs
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