Authors: Harald Grobner
Publish Date: 2009/04/07
Volume: 159, Issue: 4, Pages: 335-340
Let G/mathbb Q be the simple algebraic group Spn 1 and Gamma=GammaN a principal congruence subgroup of level N ≥ 3 Denote by K a maximal compact subgroup of the real Lie group Gmathbb R Then a double quotient Gammabackslash Gmathbb R/K is called an arithmetically defined quaternionic hyperbolic nmanifold In this paper we give an explicit growth condition for the dimension of cuspidal cohomology H2n cuspGammabackslash Gmathbb R/KE in terms of the underlying arithmetic structure of G and certain values of zetafunctions These results rely on the work of Arakawa Automorphic Forms of Several Variables Taniguchi Symposium Katata 1983 eds I Satake and Y Morita Birkhäuser Boston pp 1–48 1984