Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Josee E Leysen Xavier Langlois Lieve Heylen Adriaan A Lammertsma
Publish Date: 2010
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 1127-1134
Receptor binding refers to a technique in which a labeled compound a ligand which binds to a receptor is used to detect that receptor Usually the ligand is labeled by means of a radioactive isotope such as 3H 125I 35S etc but a fluorescent moiety is also possible The receptor can be localized in a tissue that is homogenized or sliced or in cells in culture that either have an endogenous expression of the receptor or have been transfected with a cloned receptor gene Tissue preparations are incubated with a labeled ligand that has a high binding affinity for the target receptor The labeled ligand bound to tissue is then collected and detected using various techniques such as filtration techniques combined with radioactivity counting scintillation proximity analysis and autoradiography for radioactive ligands and time resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer TRFRET or amplified
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