Journal Title
Title of Journal: Ocean Dynamics
Abbravation: Ocean Dynamics
Authors: Iskhaq Iskandar Hideharu Sasaki Yoshikazu Sasai Yukio Masumoto Keisuke Mizuno
Publish Date: 2010/05/02
Volume: 60, Issue: 3, Pages: 731-742
An eddyresolving coupled physical–biological model is used to study the effect of cyclonic eddy in enhancing offshore chlorophylla Chla bloom in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean during boreal summer–fall 2006 The results demonstrate that the offshore Chla blooms are markedly coincident with the high eddy kinetic energy Moreover the vertical variations in Chla nitrate temperature and mixedlayer depth MLD strongly imply that the cyclonic eddies induce surface Chla bloom through the injection of nutrientrich water into the upper layer Interestingly we found that the surface bloom only occurs when the deep Chla maximum is located within the MLD On the other hand the response of subsurface Chla to the eddy pumping is remarkable although it is hardly observable at the surfaceSeaWiFS chlorophyll data are courtesy of the NOAA CoastWatch Program NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center Iskhaq Iskandar would like to thank Prof Toshio Yamagata for his encouragements and invaluable guidance during the authors early career and for his continued interest in the authors personal and professional growth The authors would like to thank Dr A Ishida for his help in preparing the OFES output The OFES simulations were conducted on the Earth Simulator under the support of JAMSTEC Iskhaq Iskandar carried out part of the work while on the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science postdoctoral fellowship
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