Authors: Khin Thawda Win Ryoko Nonaka Koki Toyota Takashi Motobayashi Masaaki Hosomi
Publish Date: 2010/06/08
Volume: 46, Issue: 6, Pages: 589-595
A lysimeter experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of the NH3 volatilization mitigation by adding anaerobically digested cattle slurry ADCS alone with wood vinegar WV or with a higher level of floodwater HFW on emissions of CH4 and N2O from a paddy soil planted with fodder rice We have carried out the following treatments 1 chemical fertilizer 2 ADCS 3 ADCS + WV and 4 ADCS + HFW the height of floodwater was 10 cm in the latter treatment and it was 3 to 4 cm in the other treatments just before fertilizer applications Nitrogen fertilizer rate added to soil in each treatment was 30 g NH 4 + –N m−2 split in one basal and two topdressing additions Ammonia volatilization in the ADCS treatment was 27 g NH3–N m−2 throughout the growing season and it was significantly reduced by 79 and 55 in the ADCS + WV and ADCS + HFW treatments respectively The total amount of CH4 emitted in the ADCS treatment in the growing season was not significantly enhanced by the mitigation of NH3 volatilization either by adding wood vinegar or by increasing the height of the floodwater Negligible N2O emissions were observed in all treatments during the growing periodThis study was partly supported by a GrantinAid for Scientific Research no 19201018 and the Green Biomass Research for Improvement of Local Energy Use of the Ministry of Education Science Sports and Culture of Japan We greatly appreciate Dr Masanori Okazaki Dean BioApplications and Systems Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology TUAT for permitting of analysis C and N for soil and plant and Dr Kimura Sonoko D Associate Professor TUAT for her generous contribution of Plexiglas chambers We also thank gratefully Mr Akira Watanabe Ebara Co for providing the anaerobically digested cattle slurry We thank Professor Dr Paolo Nannipieri the EditorinChief and reviewers for valuable comments suggestion and extensive amendments on the manuscript