Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Nataša Pirc Musar Jelena Burnik
Publish Date: 2010/1/4
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 7-13
Modern IT technologies are more and more invasive for peoples’ privacy Eticketing involves processing of a significant amount of personal data at the time the cards are issued to users and every time the card is used Personal data is being processed thanks to the identifiers that are associated with every subscriber and collected by the validation devices to be subsequently stored in the databases of transport companies Biometric data always refers to an identified or at least identifiable person And even when stored electronically in a form of a template it is still personal data as it is not impossible to identify an individual In terms of data protection rules applicability to online marketing practices a common misconception and the position usually held by the industry is that the processed data is anonymized due to the fact that IPaddress is removed and supplemented by a unique identifier to differentiate between different users Data Protection Authorities in Europe claim that the data collected and processed in the course of behavioural advertising definitely represents personal data as its core purpose is to differentiate between users
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