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Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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Trends of the Herbs Ecological Evolution

Authors: Sergei N Sheremet’ev Yuri V Gamalei
Publish Date: 2012
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 189-212
PDF Link


The results of analytic research show that the evolution of leaf structure and water balance are completely coincident to global changes of planet climate and hydrology Taxonomical diversity of herbs and herbaceous biomes is the function of paleoclimate variability and plant adaptogenesis to it Two global trends of ecological evolution contrast differing by the composition of herbaceous adaptive types is the next a the line of herbs of chilling plains with domination the group of plant species with C3 apoplastic syndrome formed under cold climate influence and b the line of herbs of hot plains with domination of plant species with C4 apoplastic syndrome Both trends include the monocots and dicots and both are the results of climate changes in Cenozoic C3 herbs of chilling plains and the steppe and meadow phytocoenosis formed by them arise as the answer to temperature decrease in great areas of high latitudes The apoplastic syndrome transfer from symplastic transport of assimilates suppressed by cold to their apoplastic transport is the diagnostic test for this group of herbs C4 herbs of hot plains and the savanna desert and solontchak plant vegetation are the adaptive answer to aridization of low latitude areas C4 syndrome compensation of stomata closure by the mechanism of CO2 concentration in the leaf tissues is a special sign of this group of herbs Both types of herbaceous biomes come to change forest biomes which were strongly decreased in both areas at low and high latitudes This tendency is continued in parallels with climate tendency to continent desiccation and coolingFunding for this work was provided by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 100401165a We would like to thank Pierre Pontarotti and MarieHélène Rome for the invitation to contribute to the 15th evolutionary biology meeting at Marseille where this work was presented



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