Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Dordrecht
Authors: Marco Sgarbi
Publish Date: 2012
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 35-51
In England as we have seen in the previous chapter Cambridge was the stronghold first of humanism and then of Ramism The latter was particularly successful at Cambridge with the institution of its lectureship of dialectic For instance as Lisa Jardine has pointed out of the nine courses required by statute in Trinity College in 1560 five were devoted to dialectic the first lectureship taught Aristotle’s Topica which was the basic text for the study of logic the second explained Agricola’s De inventione dialecticae or Aristotle’s Elenchi sophistici and Analytica priora the third taught Porphyry’s Isagoge or Aristotle’s De interpretatione the fourth and fifth lectureship taught using Seton’s textbook
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