Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Loïc Fricoteaux Indira Thouvenin Jérôme Olive Paul George
Publish Date: 2012
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 417-424
Simulators have been used for many years to learn driving piloting steering etc but they often provide the same training for each learner no matter his/her performance In this paper we present the GULLIVER system which determines the most appropriate aids to display for learner guiding in a fluvialnavigation training simulator GULLIVER is a decisionmaking system based on an evidential network with conditional belief functions This evidential network allows graphically representing inference rules on uncertain data coming from learner observation Several sensors and a predictive model are used to collect these data about learner performance Then the evidential network is used to infer in real time the best guiding to display to learner in informed virtual environment
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