Authors: Andrés Navas Michele Triestino
Publish Date: 2012/09/28
Volume: 274, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 315-321
Although invariant measures are a fundamental tool in Dynamical Systems very little is known about distributions ie linear functionals defined on some space of smooth functions on the underlying space that remain invariant under a dynamics Perhaps the most general definite result in this direction is the remarkable theorem of Avila and Kocsard 1 according to which no Cinfty A Navas is indebted to A Kocsard for his interest on this Note as well as many useful conversations on the subject He would also like to acknowledge the support of the Fondecyt Grant 1120131 and the “Center of Dynamical Systems and Related Fields” DySyRF A Navas and M Triestino would like to thank ICTPTrieste for the hospitality at the origin of this work