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Springer International Publishing

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Association between Acute Geriatric Syndromes and

Authors: Peter C Wierenga Bianca M Buurman Juliette L Parlevliet Barbara C van Munster Susanne M Smorenburg Sharon K Inouye Sophia E J A de Rooij
Publish Date: 2012/12/23
Volume: 29, Issue: 8, Pages: 691-699
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Consecutive medical patients aged 65 years or more who were acutely admitted were enrolled An initial multidisciplinary evaluation was completed and baseline characteristics were collected A fall before admission was retrieved from medical charts Delirium was determined by the Confusion Assessment MethodA total of 641 patients were included Over 25 had an ADE present at admission 26 presented with delirium and 12 with a fall Delirium was associated with the use of antidepressants antipsychotics and antiepileptics In all ADEs n = 167 ADEs were associated with a fall with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs or diuretics but not with preexisting functioning delirium or older age For ADEs involving psychoactive medication n = 35 an association was found between delirium falls opioids and antipsychotics in bivariate analyses A fall just before hospitalization odds ratio OR 369 95 CI 141 967 antipsychotics OR 370 95 CI 119 1160 and opioids OR 1457 95 CI 202 10530 remained independently associated with an ADE involving psychoactive medicationThis research was supported by an unrestricted grant from the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam SI’s contribution to this work was supported in part by grants ♯P01AG031720 from the National Institute on Aging ♯IIRG0888738 from the Alzheimer’s Association and by the Milton and Shirley F Levy Family ChairPW was responsible for data acquisition data analysis and drafting of the manuscript SdR was responsible for the concept and design of the study data acquisition data analysis and drafting of the manuscript BB contributed to the concept and design of the study interpretation of the data and critical review of the manuscript for methodological content and accuracy SI contributed to the data analysis interpretation of the data and revision of the manuscript JP BvM and SS contributed to interpretation of the data and revision of the manuscript All of the authors had access to the data and gave final approval of the version to be published



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