Journal Title
Title of Journal: Isr J Math
Abbravation: Israel Journal of Mathematics
The Hebrew University Magnes Press
Authors: R N Karasev F V Petrov
Publish Date: 2012/02/28
Volume: 192, Issue: 1, Pages: 143-156
In this paper we prove that the nonzero elements of a finite field with odd characteristic can be partitioned into pairs with prescribed difference maybe with some alternatives in each pair The algebraic and topological approaches to such problems are considered We also give some generalizations of these results to packing translates in a finite or infinite field and give a short proof of a particular case of the EliahouKervairePlaigne theorem about sumsetsThe research of R N Karasev is supported by the Dynasty Foundation the President’s of Russian Federation grant MK11320101 the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grants 100100096 and 100100139 the Federal Program “Scientific and scientificpedagogical staff of innovative Russia” 20092013 and grant of the Russian Federation government 11G34310053
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