Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, New York, NY
Authors: Declan Murphy
Publish Date: 2013
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 991-1019
EUMETSAT the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites operates a range of satellite programs among them the Meteosat series of geostationary satellites which has provided continuity of coverage over Europe and Africa since 1977 Its current operational geostationary services are provided by the Meteosat Second Generation MSG consisting of the primary satellite the Meteosat9 the backup and Rapid Scanning Service Meteosat8 as well as the older generation Meteosat7 satellite positioned over the Indian Ocean It works closely in partnership with the European Space Agency and with NOAA in its programs As a userdriven organization it places great emphasis on developing additional value from its products by sophisticated systems for processing of the satellite data centrally at its headquarters in Darmstadt and through a distributed network of Satellite Applications Facilities in its Member States A successor program to the MSG the Meteosat Third Generation has been approved and will ensure coverage out to 2040
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