Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Juergen Groll Martin Moeller
Publish Date: 2013
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 2531-2536
Examination of biomolecules attached to surfaces with sensitivities down to the single molecule level raises demands on the surface that comprise minimized unspecific interaction between surface and protein low intrinsic fluorescence of the coating material and the ability to immobilize biomolecules in their functional conformation A number of studies and methods have been developed to achieve that aim including physisorption of proteins such as serum albumin with and without subsequent crosslinking plasmapolymerization and electrostatically driven adsorption like layerbylayer adsorption of polyelectrolytes or monomolecular layers from grafted combcopolymers such as Polyllysinegpolyethylene glycol Michel et al 2005 This entry will focus on the covalent
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