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Abbravation: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

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Springer Netherlands

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A note on the dynamics around the Lagrange colline

Authors: Yijun Lian Gerard Gómez Josep J Masdemont Guojian Tang
Publish Date: 2013/01/20
Volume: 115, Issue: 2, Pages: 185-211
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In this paper we study the dynamics of a massless particle around the L 12 libration points of the Earth–Moon system in a full Solar System gravitational model The study is based on the analysis of the quasiperiodic solutions around the two collinear equilibrium points For the analysis and computation of the quasiperiodic orbits a new iterative algorithm is introduced which is a combination of a multiple shooting method with a refined Fourier analysis of the orbits computed with the multiple shooting Using as initial seeds for the algorithm the libration point orbits of Circular Restricted Three Body Problem determined by LindstedtPoincaré methods the procedure is able to refine them in the Solar System forcefield model for large timespans that cover most of the relevant Sun–Earth–Moon periods



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