Journal Title
Title of Journal: Stud Geophys Geod
Abbravation: Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
Springer Netherlands
Authors: Hussein A AbdElmotaal Norbert Kühtreiber
Publish Date: 2013/10/19
Volume: 58, Issue: 1, Pages: 41-55
The window technique was suggested earlier to get rid of the double consideration of the topographicisostatic masses within the data window in the framework of the removerestore technique Within the course of the window technique one needs to compute the harmonic coefficients of the topographicisostatic masses for the data window The paper studies the effect of using Digital Height Models DHMs with different resolutions of the computed harmonic coefficients of the topographicisostatic masses for the data window Two different test areas one in Austria and one in Egypt are considered in this investigation A set of DHMs with different resolutions is available for both test areas The harmonic coefficients of the topographicisostatic masses for the data window are computed for both test areas using the available DHMs with different resolutions A comparison among the potential degree variances of the different DHMs is carried out The computation of the window topographicisostatic gravity anomalies for both data sets is performed using the set of the available DHMs with different resolutions The results show that using a DHM with the grid size of about 5 km for smooth topography and of about 3 km for rough topography gives practically the same topographicisostatic gravity anomalies for the data window in a significantly much less CPU time compared to that of using the finest DHM
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