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Springer, Cham

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Chemistry of αFluorinated Ethers and Thioethers

Authors: GerdVolker Röschenthaler Olesya Kazakova
Publish Date: 2014
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 555-587
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αFluorinated ethers show applications as analgesics anaesthetics and cardiovascular respiratory psychopharmacologic neurological gastrointestinal drugs and antiinfective therapeutics The number of molecules containing an CF3Ogroup has quadrupled between 2008 and 2012 nevertheless CF3Ocontaining heterocycles are still quite rare Several examples show the efficiency of either CF3Ocompounds but also OFC2Hcontaining substancesαFluorinated sulphides show similarity to the corresponding ethers with respect to the pKa value But regarding the stereoelectronic effects there is a huge difference Amongst others substances containing a SCF3 or SCF2Hgroup find applications in medicinal chemistry eg against anorexia nervosa as antiinflammatory agent or as antibiotics



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