Journal Title
Title of Journal: Bull Malays Math Sci Soc
Abbravation: Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
Springer Singapore
Authors: Jianfei Wang
Publish Date: 2014/12/17
Volume: 38, Issue: 4, Pages: 1657-1667
In this note we establish a distortion theorem for locally biholomorphic Bloch mappings f satisfying f 0=1 and det f0=alpha in 01 where Vert fVert 0=mathrm sup1z2fracn+12ndet fz frac1nzin mathcal Bn This result extends the result of Bonk Minda and Yanagihara of one complex variable to higher dimensions Moreover a lower estimate for the radius of the largest univalent ball in the image of f centered at f0 is givenThe author cordially thanks to the referees for their thorough reviewing with useful suggestions and comments made to the paper This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No 11471111 11101139 and NSF of Zhejiang province No LY14A010013
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