Journal Title
Title of Journal: Z Phys D Atoms Molecules and Clusters
Abbravation: Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters
Authors: P Aufmuth M Deckwer EG Kopp I Rokahr J Schramm
Publish Date: 2014/03/29
Volume: 38, Issue: 3, Pages: 197-200
The high resolution laseratomicbeam technique was used to investigate the hyperfine structure in Nd I 4f 4 5d6s 7 L 7 K 7 I 7 H 7 G 5 L 5 K and 5 I for both of the stable odd isotopes The metastable states were populated by an arc discharge burning in the atomic beam and 31 transitions to higher odd levels have been studied Knowledge of the hyperfine constants of 34 levels of 4f 4 5d6s allowed a comprehensive parametric analysis to be performed using the effective tensor operator formalism Compared to earlier analyses a significant reduction of errors has been achieved for all the parameters The contact parameter a 4f 10 has been fitted freely thus providing an experimental value for the corepolarization effects They are about six times larger than the relativistic effects
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