Journal Title
Title of Journal: Z Phys C Particles and Fields
Abbravation: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
Authors: DELPHI Collaboration
Publish Date: 2014/03/31
Volume: 75, Issue: 4, Pages: 581-592
A study of the channel e + e → μ + μ γ ISR where γ ISR is an initial state radiation photon is presented using data collected by the DELPHI experiment from 1991 to 1994 The total crosssection at effective annihilation energies √s below the Z 0 peak is obtained by using the events with relatively hard initial state radiative photons E γ 1 GeV The differential crosssection as a function of the muon polar production angle is also determined in order to extract the forwardbackward asymmetries for the reaction e + e → μ + μ at energies √s between 20 and 87 GeV The ratio of the helicity crosssections Open image in new window where the two subscripts stand for the helicities of the incoming e and outgoing μ respectively is extracted from the differential crosssections in order to test the Standard Model and to look for new physics near 80 GeV No deviations from the Standard Model were found
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