Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Authors: M Bona E Sardini M Serpelloni
Publish Date: 2015
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 415-419
The present paper refers to a research work aiming at implementing a modular acquiring system to be exploited in machines designed for lower limb muscles active rehabilitation Mechatronic devices as explained in HS Lo and SQ Xie Med Eng Phys 34261–268 2012 and X Cheng et al Proc Eng 15688–692 2011 have given a relevant contribution to this field during last years offering intensive treatments allowing individuals to restore as much as possible their motion capabilities damaged by an injury a disease or a lesion But many machines do not have the possibility to obtain information about patient’s biomechanical parameters during an active rehabilitation exercise Starting from this concept sensors whether introduced into such devices make accurate measurements and provide realtime data which could be useful performance indicators helping the physician to evaluate subject’s condition and therapy efficiency This work is articulated as follows after having described the system performed experimental analysis will be illustrated and obtained results will be provided
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