Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: F Scott Hall
Publish Date: 2015
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 1-46
Acetylcholinesterase AChE which is sometimes called true or specific cholinesterase is found in nerve cells skeletal muscle smooth muscle various glands and red blood cells Nachmansohn and Rothenberg 1945 Koelle et al 1950 Ellman et al 1961 AChE may be distinguished from other cholinesterases by substrate and inhibitor specificities and by regional distribution Its distribution in brain roughly correlates with cholinergic innervation and subfractionation shows the highest level in nerve terminalsIt is generally accepted that the physiological role of AChE is the rapid hydrolysis and inactivation of acetylcholine Inhibitors of AChE show marked cholinomimetic effects in cholinergically innervated effector organs Taylor 1996 and have been used therapeutically in the treatment of glaucoma myasthenia gravis and paralytic ileus However recent studies Christie et al 1981 Summers et al 1981 Davies and Mohs 1982 Atak et al 1983 have suggested that AChE inhibitors may also be beneficial in the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia
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