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Springer, Cham

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SPELTRA A Robotic Assistant for SpeechandLangua

Authors: Vladimir RoblesBykbaev Martín LópezNores Juan OchoaZambrano Jorge GarcíaDuque José Juan PazosArias
Publish Date: 2015/8/2
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 525-534
PDF Link


The Speech and Language Therapy SLT is an area focused on the rehabilitation of people suffering from different kinds of disorders and disabilities related with language and communication According to latest estimates of the World Health Organization most countries do not have appropriate structures to provide healthcare and rehabilitation services for those people This problem becomes more complex on developing countries due the lack of professionals and ICTbased tools to support the several activities that must be performed by the Speech and Language Pathologists SLPs On those grounds this paper presents a robotic assistant with the aim to help SLPs during the therapy activities This approach is based on an integrative environment that relies on mobile ICT tools an expert system a knowledge layer and standardized vocabularies This proposal has been tested on 26 children suffering from different kind of disabilities and the results achieved have shown important improvements in some activities related with SLT like reduction of the time required to prepare patients for therapy and better response of children to perform tasksThe authors from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana have been supported by the “Sistemas Inteligentes de Soporte a la Educación CIDII010213” research project The authors from the University of Vigo have been supported by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF and Xunta de Galicia under project CN 2012/260 “Consolidation of Research Units AtlantTIC” and by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Gobierno de España research project TIN201342774R partly financed with FEDER funds We would like to thank the support provided by the following institutions of special education Unidad Educativa Especial del Azuay UNEDA and Fundación “Jesús para los niños”



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