Journal Title
Title of Journal: Am J Crim Just
Abbravation: American Journal of Criminal Justice
Authors: Brittani A McNeal Jeffery T Walker
Publish Date: 2015/11/25
Volume: 41, Issue: 4, Pages: 710-731
Research has examined risk factors related to involvement in prostitution and sex trafficking using samples of adult prostitutes runaway and homeless youth and youth involved in the juvenile system There is scant research that includes adolescents who cannot be categorized into these groups Additionally research is limited related to how parents affect the decision for adolescents to engage in sex for drugs or money We examine risk factors concerning the exchange of sex for drugs or money from a nationally representative sample of adolescents The data are structured where responses can be compared to a group of adolescents who indicated never exchanging sex for drugs or money We used a negative binomial regression analysis to examine how the effects of parental and individual factors influence the exchange of sex for drugs or money among adolescents Analyses revealed that individual factors were significant while parental factors were not significant however parental effects were significant when dimensions of parental involvement were examined
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