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Abbravation: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

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Springer Japan

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Optimization of biodrying of kitchen waste inocu

Authors: Xiao Song Jiao Ma Jiandong Gao Yanbo Liu Yongce Hao Wei Li Ruhai Hu Aimin Li Lei Zhang
Publish Date: 2015/12/11
Volume: 19, Issue: 1, Pages: 496-504
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Biodrying has been proved to be a promising method for treatment of MSW municipal solid waste and sewage sludge due to its high energy efficiency and low operating cost In this study biodrying was adopted to treat kitchen waste which has quite different features from MSW and sewage sludge The main operating factors of biodrying including sludge inoculation initial moisture content and different bulking agents were systematically investigated The trial with a high inoculation ratio showed a shorter lag phase and better temperature profile thus resulting in a better drying performance with higher evaporation efficiency Furthermore 717  of initial moisture content which is relatively higher than the values reported in other studies was found to be favorable for microbial activity which could save the operating cost by reducing bulking agent in biodrying of kitchen waste Among the tested bulking agents ie corncob sawdust and straw straw was found to be the best in terms of better temperature profile and water removal efficiency due to its high water absorption capacity and the proper FAS These results will provide some valuable information for efficient biodrying of the kitchen wasteThe authors acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC No 51208075 Key Projects in the National Science Technology Pillar Program 2012BAC05B04 and Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering MOE KLIEEE1107



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