Journal Title
Title of Journal: Front Mater Sci
Abbravation: Frontiers of Materials Science
Higher Education Press
Authors: Xingan Jiang Xiangping Jiang Chao Chen Na Tu Yunjing Chen Banchao Zhang
Publish Date: 2015/12/29
Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 31-37
Na05Bi45−x Eu x Ti4O15 NBT x Eu3+ ceramics with x = 0 005 010 015 020 025 030 and 040 were prepared by conventional ceramics processing NBT025Eu3+ ceramics show the strongest red and orange emissions corresponding to the 5D0 → 7F2 617 nm and 5D0 → 7F1 596 nm transitions respectively The strongest excitation band around 465 nm matches well with the emission wavelength of commercial InGaNbased blue LED chip indicating that Eu3+doped NBT ceramics may be used as potential environmental friendly redorange phosphor for WLEDs application As an inherent ferroelectric and piezoelectric material the electrical properties of this potentially multifunctional electrooptical material have been also studied The introduction of Eu3+ distinctly increased the Curie temperature T C of NBT x Eu3+ ceramics from 640°C to 711°C as x ranges from 0 to 040 For higher temperature applications the electrical conductivity was also investigated The conduction of charge carriers in hightemperature range originates from the conducting electrons from the ionization of oxygen vacancies High T C and low tanδ makes Eu3+doped NBTceramic also suitable for high temperature piezoelectric sensor applications and electrooptical integration
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