Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Authors: Liana Maria Muresan
Publish Date: 2016
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 479-492
Selfhealing coatings belong to a new generation of smart coatings for corrosion control which have both passive characteristics from matrix material and active behavior towards the local environment through incorporated or surfacemounted compounds acting as inhibitors The coatings provide a rapid release of a repairing material eg a corrosion inhibitor after changes in coating integrity by mechanical/chemical damage of the coating or by local pH changes occurring near the metallic surface Within all classes of materials the one with the largest selfrepair potential belongs to polymers since they display more useful properties than any other material However besides these materials inorganic including mainly silica titania zirconia etc organic or hybrid layers have been successfully used as matrices for selfrepairing coatings On the other hand the selfhealing agents embedded in the matrices belong to different classes varying from natural compounds tung oil spar varnish camphor linseed oil etc to synthetic ones isodecyl diphenyl phosphate 2mercaptobenzothiazole alkyl ammonium salts etc In this context recent advances in preparation and characterization of different selfhealing coatings on steel will be reviewed The main techniques for obtaining selfhealing coatings and the challenges for future research will be also briefly discussed
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