Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Springer, Singapore
Authors: Vijay H Makwana Bhavesh R Bhalja
Publish Date: 2016
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 17-40
The work presented in this chapter addresses the problems encountered by the conventional digital distance relay used for the protection of transmission lines fed from one end To observe its behavior during a high resistance single linetoground fault a laboratory prototype of a threephase transmission line using equivalent power system components has been developed by the authors Thereafter a new digital distance relaying algorithm is presented for the compensation of errors produced by the conventional digital distance relay during a high resistance single linetoground fault The proposed algorithm is based on digital computation of impedance which uses symmetrical components of threephase currents and voltages measured at the local end only The proposed algorithm has been tested using MATLAB/SIMULINK The MathWorks Natick Massachusetts USA software for a single linetoground fault considering wide variations in fault resistance fault location power factor and shortcircuit capacity of the source
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