Journal Title
Title of Journal: J Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Abbravation: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Springer International Publishing
Authors: Sarah L Goff Yara Youssef Penelope S Pekow Katharine O White Haley GuhnKnight Tara Lagu Kathleen M Mazor Peter K Lindenauer
Publish Date: 2016/04/11
Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Pages: 731-737
The IDEAS Information Description Education Assistance and Support for a Healthy Baby study was a randomized controlled trial RCT of an intervention to reduce barriers to using publicly reported quality data for lowincome racial/ethnic minority women We used strategies grounded in a health equity framework to address barriers to recruitment and retention in three domains preparation process and patientcenteredness “Preparation” included teaching study staff about health inequities roleplaying skills to develop rapport and trust and partnering with clinic staff “Processes” included use of electronic registration systems to prescreen potential candidates and determine when eligible participants were in clinic and an electronic database to track patients through the study Use of a flexible protocol stipends and consideration of literacy levels promoted “patientcenteredness”We anticipated needing to recruit 800 women over 18 months to achieve a completion goal of 650 Using the recruitment and retention strategies outlined above we recruited 746 women in 15 months achieving higher recruitment 871 and retention rates 973 than we had anticipatedThese successful recruitment and retention strategies used for a large RCT promoted inclusivity and accessibility Researchers seeking to recruit racial and ethnic minority pregnant women in similar settings may find the preparation process and patientcentered strategies used in this study applicable for their own studiesSarah Goff declares that she has no conflict of interest Yara Youssef declares that she has no conflict of interest Kathleen Mazor declares that she has no conflict of interest Penelope Pekow declares that she has no conflict of interest Katharine White consults for Actavis Peter Lindenauer declares that he has no conflict of interestAll procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards
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