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Authors: Andrew Philippides Nathan Steadman Alex Dewar Christopher Walker Paul Graham
Publish Date: 2016/7/19
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 263-274
This paper discusses the implementation of insectinspired visual navigation strategies in flying robots in particular focusing on the impact of changing height We start by assessing the information available at different heights for visual homing in natural environments comparing results from an open environment against one where trees and bushes are closer to the camera We then test a route following algorithm using a gantry robot and show that a robot would be able to successfully navigate a route at a variety of heights using images saved at a different heightThanks to the anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions This work was funded by the Newton AgriTech Program RICE PADDY project no STDA00732 AP also received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 308943
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